Here is a quick video featuring my latest card design
You can now order your own deck at the Furocious MPC store. The cards are print to order so please allow a couple weeks for production.
Here is a quick video featuring my latest card design
You can now order your own deck at the Furocious MPC store. The cards are print to order so please allow a couple weeks for production.
We just received our first print of the Padawan Learner’s deck featuring numbered cards for easier value recognition. We have a Sabacc card promo in the works. In the meantime here’s a video featuring the new cards.
We have the first set of cards printed. I’ve made a few tweaks since I ordered these, including a slight adjustment to the boarder, plus I added some classic face cards. After playing a game with these, I have to say I like them much better than the branded cards that come in the Star…
Working to spice up our Sabacc games by minting some credit chips. So far I haven’t found a cost effective way to proceed. But I’m still determined to figure something out. Now that the mosaic is about wrapped up, it’s time to resume some other projects that have been on hold.
This is info on my exhibit book, Finite Perspectives: Over The Deep available to be purchased by the general public. @furocious on Lulu If you want a personalized copy feel free to contact me and I can arrange to have one sent to you. This book is really best viewed in print. Some of…
The production crew has been working overtime to get our latest project out: I’ll post an update when the book is finally released.
Recently we received the proof for the hardcover edition of John Wesley’s the BCP. What editions of this book will be made available? John Wesley’s The Book of Common Prayer – HC – ISBN:978-1-329-99526-0 Initially there will be the hardcover edition available, which is intended to be used as a sturdy (6″x9″) textbook. John Wesley’s The…