What is furocious studios™
furocious studios™ is the work and productions of artist Jonathan H. Johnson.
The current focus of furocious studios™ is centered around but not exclusive to the production of fine art. Specifically at this time he is experimenting in sculptural design along with researching execution of exhibition environments. He is also experimenting in custom print production.
furocious studios™ began back in 1987 with the initial “furocious™” series of art works including paintings, drawings, and illustrations. This was during the time in the art scene when “Grunge” was the new popular style. This gave us stonewashed ripped jeans and a recognized acceptance of the expression of graffiti. That doesn’t necessarily represent Johno’s particular style but does contribute to its beginnings as seen in early work. The “furocious” gallery shows some of that progression. furocious studios™ is also known as home to the furocious chipmunk which unexpectedly appears from time to time.The beginnings of furocious studios™ was also in the midst of the time of the Cold War. When things seem out of control and out of our hands, it is a reminder that there is certainty in the sovereign grander scheme. Fear is the abusive power through “doom and gloom” wielded by some as a tool of manipulation and control. Out of that time the furocious credo was adopted from 2 Timothy 1:7
For God hath not given us the spirit of timidity; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
Over the last 20 years furocious studios™ has produced Illustration and Design including but not limited to the following: sculpture, ceramics, photos, photoshops, prints, paintings, illustrations, murals, web design & entertainment, graphic design, video production, animatronics, electronics, music, sound, and lighting environments. Some by commission most by compulsion.