
So sorry, I’m coding

Is this my annual post? I’ve published some private books for discipleship lately. And I’ve done a lot of coding. I finished the Bible index for eReaders and I’ve started adding text for a Greek Bible and another Bible version that I use every day and want available without relying on a heavily scripted Bible…

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Still writing – everything is fine

Behind the scenes I’m still writing, and writing, and writing some more. Lately I’ve been writing code. So that is a ton of work way behind the scenes. It’s been almost a year since I last posted. The theme on my website is about 3 years outdated so I’ve been working to find a new…


The latest work from Furocious Studios

Currently I am working on a couple books. Writing, writing, and more writing. I am also setting things up for several other projects. Some wood working. Some more adventures with Sabacc. Hopefully my potter’s wheel will be set up soon and I can start cranking out some fantastic drink-ware. My pilgrimage from early years was…