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Here is the latest project in development from furocious studios™ BUILD THE BANK or just BANK Find them now at our [ MakePlayingCards Store ] These new cards are now available to help you prepare your credits for your big Sabacc game. “How many credits do you have to bring to the Sabacc table? Get…
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So sorry, I’m coding
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The latest work from Furocious Studios
Currently I am working on a couple books. Writing, writing, and more writing. I am also setting things up for several other projects. Some wood working. Some more adventures with Sabacc. Hopefully my potter’s wheel will be set up soon and I can start cranking out some fantastic drink-ware. My pilgrimage from early years was…
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Cutting the Deck!
Cutting out a deck by hand takes patience, precision, and a passion to spend that much time just to get one deck. Whatever method, one slip up and you need to order replacement cards! This is definitely a trial and error process. Last weekend I cut my first deck with a laser cutter. Pretty cool…
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Furocious Sabacc
NOW AVAILABLE! Here is a quick video featuring my latest card design You can now order your own deck at the Furocious MPC store. The cards are print to order so please allow a couple weeks for production.
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Mark 7:16 and other work
Here is the latest image that I will share of sculpture I’ve been working on for a while now. Since my last exhibit, it’s back to the secret furocious workshop. Some more regular updates may be found on the furocious FaceBook page, but some of that isn’t quite squarely related to “Art” such as drone…