Just before the Covid-19 “Stay at Home” order I started on a tile mosaic for the furniture factory where I am employed. The parameters are to use samples of wood finishes they currently offer to make a mosaic of a wolf. Today I was able to get busy laying out some of the tiles I have as a test for plans for the construction. I’d probably be done if there hadn’t been a pandemic. Oh well, I’m not the only one who’s plans got knocked off a month. I’m just thankful for the project. And there’s still the whole summer ahead to work on it yet. Doing what I enjoy to do!

Here is a sample of what I can use my new laser engraver for instead of just cutting cards. Not sure if I like this…maybe a different color stain will be better.


This is a layout of the left outer edge. I had to lay them out to double check my measurements before I get too far along.

Test Layout


This is my layout graph. Minus the sample labels, this is what it’s supposed to look like when finished.

Photo Mosaic Created by PictureMosaics.com


Many Samples
Samples Many

Update: May 29, 2020 Here are some freshly stained samples. I almost have everything needed to start assembling the project.


Space for Layout
Floor Space

Update: June 6, 2020 We have enough sample pieces cut to begin layout. We are selecting them and arranging them for the final composition.


Wolf Assembly
Wolf Assembly

Update: June 12, 2020 The weekend brings more progress. Almost all the tiles are cut. They still need to be prepped and sorted. It is coming along nicely.


Update: June 13, 2020 the wolf begins to be apparent.


Wolf Mosaic on the Floor

Update: June 20, 2020 the floor layout is complete


Update: July 10, 2020 – Stretching the Canvas


Update: July 18, 2020 – Tile Assembly


wood clamping

Artist and Mosaic

Update: July 26, 2020 living with art.


MOVING DAY Update: Sept 2, 2020

I was sad to see the mosaic leave the middle of our living room. My son is grateful for a clear path through the dark when on his middle-of-the-night respite. My wife was ecstatic to have our space back! It’s just another step in the progression of an artwork as it moves from one space to the next. It’s vibrant and beautiful in the sunlight! Literally seeing this in a new light.

Wolf in Sunlight

Each step in the process taking timing and planning. We had a nice sunny day and a giant trailer to use. Will it make the journey in one piece and without a scratch?

on the trailer

Now it resides in a new space awaiting its next designated space. Each stage it’s fun to see people react and interact with it. It will be up for display some day soon. Then years later who knows what will happen to it. 100 years from now will it still be around?

Distant Wolf

This is almost the greatest distance I’ve ever viewed it from. I love this placement. It took up so much space in our tiny living room. Now it is just a small fixture in such a large factory. It is surrounded by many other wooden creations waiting to find their final placement where they will be well appreciated. I’ve always seen each piece of furniture we make at the factory as a work of art. Some pieces individual and some in sets. I wonder if I’ll make more of these mosaics…maybe a series?

ON DISPLAY Update: Sept 11, 2020

Today installation was complete. Yesterday we hung it up using a French Cleat. It took three of us to lift it into position with the assistance of a scissor lift. Next mosaic definitely needs to be lighter materials. Now it is safe and securely resting on the wall.

Wolf Mosaic 1


Wolf Mosaic 2
I hope that they enjoy the view for years to come!


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