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Still writing – everything is fine

Behind the scenes I’m still writing, and writing, and writing some more. Lately I’ve been writing code. So that is a ton of work way behind the scenes. It’s been almost a year since I last posted. The theme on my website is about 3 years outdated so I’ve been working to find a new…



The production website for johnwesleyprayer.com has been up for a while now. There is a temporary link on the menu bar on this site for those who may have wandered here looking for the book. Of course the site looks very similar to this one…I want people to realize it’s all part of what I do…

Website Design – Archive

This site is currently under much needed renovation. Please pardon the mess. I expect most everything to be in order within the week. ARCHIVE Here is a link to the old site news: [ OLD NEWS ] Some of the text is white on a white background so you have to highlight it if you want to…