
Sabacc (Proof) Cards

We have the first set of cards printed. I’ve made a few tweaks since I ordered these, including a slight adjustment to the boarder, plus I added some classic face cards. After playing a game with these, I have to say I like them much better than the branded cards that come in the Star…


Sabacc Anyone?

Happy Star Wars Day! The latest project we’ve been working on is a deck of Sabacc Cards for our game nights. There are several card projects that have never gotten off the ground because there hasn’t been a cost effective way to get them going. If the proof for this card set is acceptable other…

The little/big things that make it better

I am diligently working on the limited leather edition of John Wesley’s The Book of Common Prayer. The initial project was streamlined for digital use. That was a big job, and now that it’s done I can go back in and add some of the finesse of the original. Drop caps aren’t practical for digital books…



The production website for johnwesleyprayer.com has been up for a while now. There is a temporary link on the menu bar on this site for those who may have wandered here looking for the book. Of course the site looks very similar to this one…I want people to realize it’s all part of what I do…

Large Print & Hardcover almost ready!

Recently we received the proof for the hardcover edition of John Wesley’s the BCP. What editions of this book will be made available? John Wesley’s The Book of Common Prayer – HC – ISBN:978-1-329-99526-0 Initially there will be the hardcover edition available, which is intended to be used as a sturdy (6″x9″) textbook. John Wesley’s The…

John Wesley’s Book of Common Prayer

The production crew has been working overtime to get our latest project out:                 I’ll post an update when the book is finally released.

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Finite Perspectives

This is info on my exhibit book, Finite Perspectives: Over The Deep available to be purchased by the general public. @furocious on Lulu If you want a personalized copy feel free to contact me and I can arrange to have one sent to you.   This book is really best viewed in print. Some of…

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Mark 7:16 and other work

Here is the latest image that I will share of sculpture I’ve been working on for a while now. Since my last exhibit, it’s back to the secret furocious workshop. Some more regular updates may be found on the furocious FaceBook page, but some of that isn’t quite squarely related to “Art” such as drone…