↓ TranscriptRight now may be the last time you can choose . . . "If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you shall be saved." ~Romans 10:9 KJB the Holy Bible~
↓ TranscriptWhen you are dead it's too late to choose your eternal destiny . . . . . . Do not wait until you are in he|| to find out that Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven!
↓ TranscriptCould this be some replay of his previous life? Is this the voyage to the afterlife? Where is he traveling . . ? When . . ? Why . . ? How . . ? but before he can finish contemplating everything, all goes dark and stops . . . He's somewhere But Where?…
↓ Transcript*BARK!* . . . Twisting and turning . . . strangely he hears a voice from his past . . . his trusty dog, SPARKY.
↓ TranscriptHis spirit begins to wander through time & space . . . *BARK! BARK*
↓ TranscriptHe soon becomes entangled is a strange form of digestive vili . . . Now even our courageous Hero loses hope . . . He prays one last prayer before he makes his way for the afterlife . . . *BARK! BARK!* "GASP" After Hours, maybe days, the end draws near . . ….
↓ TranscriptHe plummets to an almost certain fate! Until he falls into a dreadful cavernous stomach to await digestion . . . . . . a slow and agonizing digestion . . .
↓ TranscriptOur HERO is then swallowed by this Hideous being ! ! !
↓ TranscriptZAP! DIRECT HIT! Only instead of destroying the beast, things are much worse . . . . . .Evidently the ray must have accelerated the creature's metamorphosis causing it to grow larger and definitely uglier!!
↓ Transcript. . . Our hero grasps for his blaster beneath the gargantuan brute's grip . . . . . .He aims for one of the creature's hearts . . . . . .The Tri-Zeanite ray should kill this beast DEAD!!